Product Description

Nautilus Plus Robotic Pool Cleaner
Nautilus PLUS with CleverClean
– The Dolphin Nautilus PLUS with CleverClean is the logical step-up in an easy-to-use robotic pool cleaner with exceptional performance at an affordable price. It features CleverClean Technology which enables it to clean the floor, walls, and waterline of in-ground pools up to 50 feet in length.
– The Dolphin Nautilus PLUS with CleverClean is the big brother to the Nautilus. It has many of the same great features as the Nautilus, plus several other upgrades that make it one of the great choice for pool owners. In addition to the features of the Nautilus, the Nautilus PLUS with CleverClean also includes an extra-large top access filter, making it easier than ever to access to your filter. The Nautilus Plus with CleverClean comes equipped with CleverClean Technology, a technology exclusive to Dolphin cleaners to ensure that your entire pool, floor, walls and up to the waterline are sparkling clean. Should a repair be needed, rest assured that our Easy-Fix modular components are easy to replace and will cost you less money than many of our competitor’s products, making the cost of ownership well worth the investment. This all adds up to providing you with the exceptional experience you’ve come to expect in owning a Dolphin robotic pool cleaner.
– The Dolphin Nautilus PLUS with CleverClean is completely independent of your pool’s pump and filter, enabling you to clean your pool using a fraction of the energy required by other types of cleaning systems.
– With 360˚ suction, the Nautilus PLUS with CleverClean filters the water while it collects debris in its self-contained filter, so you can reduce the need to backwash your pool filter by as much as 30%. The improved water circulation and filtration may also reduce your chemical needs. Dolphin cleaners save you time, money, and help conserve energy. It features all-surface PVC bristle brushes and climbing rings to make sure that it can climb in virtually any pool
Full Pool Scanning
To ensure thorough cleaning, your Dolphin cleaner is equipped with built in software that systematically cleans your entire pool regardless of your pool’s shape or surface. This is similar to the GPS in your vehicle, telling you the most efficient route to take from your location to your destination. The Nautilus PLUS will scan your pool and learn its dimensions, shape, and size in order most effectively and efficiently maximize the area of coverage.
- Convenient cartridge filter system that’s easy to clean and includes a spring clean-up option
- Patented swivel cable helps prevent tangling
- Scrubs, vacuums and filters all pool surfaces in just 2.5 hours
- Once they are submerged in water they expand back to their normal shape
- Dolphin Nautilus Plus Updated With Weekly Timer